JINOOS TAGHIZADEH / The Smell of Lilly and Jasmine
February 1, 2019
9:27am – 9:27pm
Installation for twelve hours,
remembering 40th anniversary
of the Iranian Revolution
The smell of lily and jasmine is coming
Now, from home the scent of spring is coming
The departed spirit returns to its lives
The people's beloved leader is coming
If the demon shuns, then the angel shines
If the demon shuns, then the angel shines
Time passes, more bitter than bitter
The sugar sweet time is coming, again
Time passes, more bitter than bitter
The sugar sweet time is coming, again
The more freed fighters from the dungeon
The faster the joint of dirt and violence is breaking
This is how the tyrant of time goes blind
So the beloved folk leader is arriving
If the demon shuns, then the angel shines
If the demon shuns, then the angel shines
Time passes, more bitter than bitter
The sugar sweet time is coming, again
Installation views
Photos: Jakob Lindner
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