OSMAN AHMED / My Line is a Living Memory

osman ahmed my line is a living memory.jpg

October 12 - November 11, 2017

Hinterland will be hosting the exhibition „My Line is a Living Memory“, a body of work that reminds us of the significance of collecting and sharing personal experiences and eyewitness accounts of war. For artist Osman Ahmed, the focus is the genocide enacted on the Kurdish people during the Anfal-Operation and which becomes a means of considering the totality of war. Through his work he seeks to bring attention to the horrors that war perpetrates in our world, and to promote empathy, understanding and acceptance. His project aims to allow us to better understand memory and its qualities, particularly the way collective memories are generated, towards questioning processes of historiography, and to show us that art in its complexity remains an important mode of remembrance.

Installation views

Photos: Jakob Lindner

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